The memory of these great and noble men, these defenders of the faith, can best be kept green by our safeguarding the ideals and the principles which these fore-fathers bequeathed us. Such heritages, more valuable than crowns of gold, are handed down to us who are the sons of such worthy fathers. Their principles and their ideals are ours. The worthy men of these by-gone years, are ours. All that has gone before is ours, being poured into our laps from the cornucopia of the bounteous past. To minister, and not to be ministered unto, is the only worthy excuse for existence. He, therefore, Who is the Klansman's Exemplar, sets the example to all Klansmen. It is said of Him Who walked among us lowly mortals as the Son of God : He came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for the many. By becoming an active benefactor he presents his body a living sacrifice, believing it to be acceptable to God because it is his reasonable service to his fellow-men. He does not feel satisfied to be passively good. He feels it criminal to have and not to give to possess, and not to use. He thirsts for duty heĭemands the right to be useful. He feels charged with the ambition to be an active constructionist rather than a passive law-abiding figurehead. This lofty desire of the Klansman to serve, comes from the sense of duty, from the recognition of obligation. To him, initation is but unlistment for service. The Klansman has policy that lies far beyond his initation into the membership of a Klan. In his service to men, his method is to overcome Evil with Good. To those without, he is non-retaliative, honest, peaceable, and even willing to return good for evil, thereby proving his superior worth. Regarding his personal affairs, the Klansman is dutiful in business, rejoicing because of his hope, patient amid the trials of life, and hospitable, withal. Toward other Klansmen he is the soul of honor, possessing unfeigned love, showing kindness, giving preference rather than selfishly demanding for himself. He stands with other Klansmen he stands for the Race. Nor is this ambition confined to those of his kind, alone. This is his aim, his purpose, his ambition, in life. By this kind of Service the Klansman lives. Klansmen believe in that kind of sacrifice which calls for a living body placed on the altar of Service, utilized by man and dedicated to God. A lifeless carcass can avail nothing when placed on the altar, however pious the act may be. Service calls for sacrifice, but it must be of the living kind, and not the sacrifice of a dead body.

It is the price of existence, the toll for being alive. He who would serve, must be alive, and all truly living men must serve.

Life demands Service and Service calls for Life. Among the activities of men there is no room for a corpse, literal or figurative. The new, or Christian, order of worship calls for some-thing alive. The ancient order of worship consisted in the presentation of the dead body of a victim, whose carcass was placed upon an altar and consumed by fire, as the expiatory substitute for man. Principles and Purposes of the Knights of the Ku Klux KlanĪre Outlined by an Exalted Cyclops of the Order The Attitude of the Knights if the Ku Klux Toward the Jew Responsibility of Klankraft to the American BoyĪ Tribute and Challenge to American Womenīy the Grand Dragon of the Realm of ArkansasĬo-ordinated Effort Between Imperial and Realm Officersīy the Grand Dragon of the Realm of Wyoming
How to Educate a Klansman to Fulfill His Obligationīy a Great Titan of the Realm of Illinois The Officers of a Klan and Their Responsibility to Law EnforcementĪ Klansman's Obligation as a Patriot to His God His Country The Definition of Klankraft and How to Disseminate Itīy the Grand Dragon of the Realm of Oklahoma Harmony Between the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the Knights of the Ku Klux KlanĪn Interpretation of the Constitution and Laws of the Knights of The Origin and Operation of the Constitution of the United States of America Evans, Imperial Wizard, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan