They have 2x the damage and 2x the health because theres two of them, more so if the entire team is after your. On the plan of anti-gank, don't expect to win. If you want to anti-gank, that will hurt 10x more. If you're being caught all of the time because, for example, you dodge attack on red, or you dodge attack after a block, anyone with 3 braincells and their mother will be able to bait it out and take half of your health bar for it.
#Ttv players full
Any light side dashes (Which should be the only ones) will be punished in full if a good player catches it. It is strong but very punishable, unless your a character who has a heavy one. As highlander, I can dodge straight through a Lawbringers unblockable side heavy whilst clearly being cleaved in two. You not being able to realise your mistakes is a You problem.ĭon't rely off of animations. Some people currently can't get ranked results from their rank matches, making ranked useless at the moment.

You are so inept at taking a good look at what you're doing wrong that you think its Ubis fault because "It always is".

You can't gank properly either, feeding revenge because you don't know that grabs, bashes and normal attacks feed a large amount upon being parried, landed or dodged. You get confused when one of your strongest moves, the side dodge attack, gets interrupted because you can't use it correctly.

Players would be much happier being Muted for 72 hours and being able to play the game, while reports are being investigated and this being investigated for legitimacy than an outright system ban for bans whether they are legitimate or false, and right now there is a lot more false banning going on than legitimate banning, so much abusing to the report system right now.Lets paint the scene, you are a new Kyoshin player, and your upset that you can't destroy everyone from the start. Many players get angry when unjustly banned from false reporting and this detection system, I just explained to you what needs to be done, this will remove player anger in the ban aspect. There needs to not be any Auto ban for a player getting mass reported, there needs to be a system where if a player gets mass reported, the player is placed automatically on a 48-72 hour MUTE while Amazon support investigates the reports and let the actual human being people do the suspending or banning themselves, this way players can continue to play the game as a muted player and they don’t get angry from unjustified reporting, if the players reporting are legitimately reporting then let the human being that investigates do the suspension or ban, until than, let players play the game as a MUTED player on a 48-72 Time period. You guys need to change this, Amazon does. A lot of players are false reporting and this detection system where it detects a player getting reported a lot and just auto bans them, than they need to go through a appeal process. I just want to be simple on my explanation, so there is a policy system in Amazon, and you have stated that there is a system that detects players doing certain things and this said specific, detection system for banning players, many players are getting banned by companys, I have heard a lot about how when a company goes to war with another company, they just mass report the competitor company leader the day before the battle and the system detects this and this leader gets false banned, so that leader will have to appeal and that is a 24-48 hour wait time, so this way the company eliminated there competition for the next day and they win the territory.